Sunday, April 6, 2008

Up State

This week was over-all a winner but don't be sad there is plenty to bitch about at the same time... The first half of the week was uneventful so I will group those together...
Sunday through Wednesday Not good Not bad I am gonna call it a wash... The good part of it was that I am started living like a human being with a 9 to 5 and I was getting a lot done professionally and personally ... up till Wednesday I give it 2 for 2 and we are holding steady at 34"

Thursday - Good... I have come to a realization today... Instead of aiming high in my love life I am aiming low... I have come up with a strategy to find what I call a project car. A lot of our fathers growing up had that old rusty beater that they would talk about fixing up and driving it on the weekends. Well I am applying that to my love life. I am looking for a fat low value girl with a lot of potential that I can get into the gym and get some sweat equity out of. Sure I may be embarrassed with that rusty beater at first but when I am done with her I will have something that I am proud to ride. Good = 1 away 35"

Friday - Good... I had a great day at work and I actually lined up about 3 project cars to test drive in the near future. 1 away 36"

Saturday - Bad... Well sticking with the project car theme of the week. The one I was suppose to test drive tonight (an El Camino with a lot of body damage but a solid frame and huge potential) canceled on me... seriously??? What the Fuck??? 1 closer 35"

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